
Lunch Retirement Style

There are many enjoyable pleasures to be had in retirement, from not going to work to something as simple as sleeping late, if you want to.

Going out for lunch is a less obvious pleasurable retirement activity, but one we enjoy.

Some of the Reasons We Enjoy Going Out For Lunch

In retirement, you can go to lunch when you want to, at a time of your choosing.  For us, that would be on the back side of the lunch hour, say around 1 pm or later when it’s less crowded.  Less crowded means less noise and a more relaxing atmosphere.

One benefit of going out for lunch rather than dinner is lunch is more reasonably priced and the portions are sized better for us. We don’t need tons of food at jacked-up prices.  Many times, even with lunch sized portions, we can split an entree and get an extra side and/or salad and have plenty.

Going Out For Lunch with Friends at a Del Webb Community

Our community has a number of organized opportunities for going out to lunch with neighbors and those who share some  of the activities we enjoy.

For example, every month the men on our street go out to lunch at a different restaurant.  There may be 12 of us and you get to know your neighbors. (see pic at top of this page for our group) There is plenty of talking going on. It is something we look forward to.

We get to try out different restaurants in the area that we may want to try again. Plus it’s a good way to find out what happening in our community.

The ladies have their monthly lunches also. I can only image what they talk about.

These street lunches are especially beneficial, if you are new to the community, in meeting the neighbors on your street as well as finding out about some of the better restaurants in the area.

The guys in our pickleball group go out for lunch once in a while and the same can be said for members of other groups. You already have something in common and you can add to your friends.

You can easily find a lunch partner in our 55+ community because we are available, nearby and ready to socialize.  Just book a day before and you are set. People love to go to lunch with friends.  Once you go out for lunch with someone, then it is easier the next time to set a lunch pattern, whether it is once a week, every two weeks or once a month.  It’s a great way for friends to stay in touch or gain new friends as well.







Del Webb Community Scarecrow Contest

The residents of the Village at Deaton Creek are holding a scarecrow contest and I went down today to take a look and take some photos. They did quite a good job! Our Active Adult Community holds other contests throughout the year.  I think they have the gingerbread house building building contest for one.

The  Scarecrow Contest is on! Streets interested in participating will supply the front office with a fully decorated scarecrow on October 19th with a list of participating residents that live on their street.  The scarecrow will need to have your street name affixed to the scarecrow itself for voting purposes. Scarecrows will be on display outside the clubhouse during voting, October 20-27th. Voting will be open to the community and ballots will be located inside the clubhouse lobby. The winning street will be announced at the Scarecrow Ball on October 28th and sent out in the Daily on Monday, October 30. The winning street will be awarded a pizza party at the clubhouse!