Active Adult Living Del Webb Communities

Bocce Ball Tournament

Fall Bocce season is over. The 400 members of the bocce club had our playoffs this morning in cool windy weather, then went to the clubhouse for the bocce luncheon that 260 members enjoyed. We played in the tournament but lost our first game to a lady who couldn’t miss.

Bocce Spring season starts again March 13th. We have a Fall league and a Spring league. Both last approximately two months.  We have 23 leagues of 8 two person teams,  plus stand by players. We play one hour per week during which we play two games with different teams.  During the season, we play each team twice, then tally up our standing to see who goes to the playoffs.

The top team from each of the 23 leagues then go to the playoffs, which were today. The team that won, Robert and Sue Fox had to win 4 straight games and did.  Then we went to the bocce luncheon at the clubhouse and started planning for the Spring season.

Here are some pictures from  the Village at Deaton Creek Bocce Playoffs.

We had a big crowd to start the day, but it was windy and cool and the crowd thinned out.


Using a can to measure is ingenious! This is the championship, so you need to measure to make sure who is closest.


I like the lady with the blanket! Good idea.


You have to be good to roll the bocce ball that far and get that close.


Some discussions going on about who is closest.


Wow, this lady gets down low and has a smooth delivery. No wonder she is in the playoffs.


I shouldn’t say this, but I heard this lady is over 90 and is one of the best players. Gives me hope.






Active Adult Living


Having just started playing Pickleball, I can see why it is so popular at Active Adult Communities.

Pickleball is a racquet sport played with a wiffle ball on a court about the size of badminton court played with solid paddles. It kind of reminds me a little of badminton, racquet ball and tennis.

Here at our Active Adult Community, pickleball is much more popular than tennis. Fund raising is going on to build two more pickleball courts.

I am in the new players group that takes lessons once a week and plays on our own when we can.  This is nice to play with other new players because we are all learning and at about the same level.  Plus we are about the same age group as well. I heard the experienced pickleball players hate to play with the new players, so we stay out of their way but watch them sometimes and marvel at their play.

Pickleball is a social game. Pickleball players rotate in and out of play and sit court site and socialize when not playing. The courts are not big like tennis, therefore you can talk and be heard by all.  At the end of each match, it is customary for players to meet at the net and exchange taps on each players paddle with a “good game”.

Experienced tennis players seem to have a head start when learning to play pickleball. After a few games it is a easy game to learn. Keeping score has been the hardest for me as you have to say the score from memory before you serve. No score boards!

Pickleball does seem like a good sport for seniors.  Senior Centers are adding pickleball courts as well. There is some running around but nothing like tennis.  There is enough activity to help keep you in shape. The biggest hazard is a fall and I have heard of a couple of people recently that really hurt themselves.  Others have reported minor feet problems like calcium deposits or arthritis.

It seems to be a game that can be played all year long. In the hot Summer, play is done in the morning or evenings. Rain is about the only thing to hinder play on outdoor courts.

One thing you notice is that players get a real passion for pickleball.  I think it is love of a game that is fun, good exercise and a good way to socialize.

See you on the pickleball court! – Robert